El Peñon de Gautapè (The Big Rock)

While in Medellin (med-a-jean), we rode on a bus that was two hours long to El Peñon de Gautapè. The rock was HUGE!

To get to the top we had to hike 700+40=740 steps!

About every 25 steps you get a resting spot .. It felt so good!

The steps were numbered to keep you moving. The outside stairs went up and the inside stairs went down. It looked like the inside stairs were the first stairs build because they were very little and old looking.

They say it is the “Best view in the World” but I have not seen the whole world! At the top, the view was of many lakes.

Also, there were shops and restaurants at the top. It was very tiring but great exercise! It was quite the accomplishment!

The Hilton Experience : Cartagena, Columbia

The hotel was VERY fancy. It had five pools and three hot tubs (that really weren’t hot). In one of the pools, there was a water slide.

It was very fun! The water slide was curvy and at the end it went straight down.
Now inside the hotel, there was free coffee, free food at the executive lounge, soft beds, two separate rooms and an outdoor balcony.

In the executive lounge, we tried a fruit called Maracuya (passion fruit).

It tasted sweet and squishy with crunchy seeds inside. The beds were so soft I slept very well for two days! The two separate rooms were a living room and a bedroom. The outdoor balcony had a view of the ocean and the city.