Dariana Spanish School in León, Nicaragua

We spent two weeks at the Dariana Spanish School in León, Nicaragua.

My teacher’s name was Carmen. She was a good teacher. I learned a lot by singing, cutting and gluing pictures, and drawing on the whiteboard. Sometimes I got to have ice cream at the morning break. At the school they had a cat named Melly. She was an orange tabby. She liked to jump up in my lap during class.

In the afternoons we would always have a field trip with some people from the school. Most of the field trips were boring to me because there was too much talking.

This is Felipe. He lived in the local park.

This is used for funerals.

These are some of the bad things about the school. The class is 4 hours long each day from 8am to 12pm. It hurts my head to think that long even though we did take a 30 minute break! To get there we had to walk a long time down the busy streets.

Iguana for sale

Pig Blood and Rice


It was hard work! They said I was the youngest student to complete the classes at their school. On the weekends we went to the water park. They had a pet chicken.