Snorkeling trip to Hol Chan reserve, Belize

We decided to go on a sailboat ride and see animals by snorkeling. The first thing we saw were the manatees. They were so cool! They were round. They had a flat tail and they were gray. The next thing we saw were the nurse sharks! They were also amazing. They were red! To get the sharks around the boat, the captain threw pieces of fish at them. The last thing we saw was one eel. It was a green moray eel. Moray eels bite. I did not see it because it was beyond the reef and the waves were too big, but I got to see the video. We sailed with people from all around the world including Holland, Canada, Switzerland, England, and Australia.   -Riley


A couple of manatees sighted as part of the “bonus stop” on our way to Hol Chan.

Feeding the nurse sharks:

Feeding from below:

Hol Chan snorkel with green moray eel sighting:


Many thanks to the folks at E-Z Boy Tours for a great trip.