Galapagos Islands – 8 Day Cruise

We spent eight days on a boat in the Galapagos Islands.

Every day we used a dinghy to see lots of animals.

One of the animals was the blue-footed booby. A baby blue-footed booby looks like a fuzzy white ball with gray feet.  As they grow, they start eating sardines. The sardines make their feet turn blue.

We also saw marine iguanas. They are the only iguanas that can swim. They get salt water in their nose by diving in the water to get food. To get out the salt water, they squirt it through their nose.

We also saw penguins, sea turtles, sea lions, and manta rays.


My favorite animal that we saw were the dolphins. The dolphins were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We saw them at Leon Dormido. It is a large rock near San Cristobal island.

First of all, they were friendly. Second of all, they were wild. Third of all, they performed for us and did big jumps! Fourth of all, they looked like the dolphins from the movie Titanic. Fifth of all, they did exactly what we told them like spin moves. I got them to spin by taking my arm and turning it clockwise.